Tanya's Summer Page 11

Hello Tanya! Today's gift is my very first Java Lake Applet! I hope it works correctly, I hope you can see it, and I hope you like it. *smile*
Hint for today: I love to travel, and I've been lucky to visit some of my favorite places like Ireland, Egypt, and the Caribbean.
Look at all the LOTH gifts today!
Poem from Bahama Mamma
The gift I share with you today
is the gift of the word
I can write anything
make it pretty like you heard
Today's gift is of peace
and love that we all share
I wish you all peace and happiness
because I really care
Now I hope this doesn't
give away, or even make me miss
but I felt important to share with you
all of my secret sis'

Graphics copyright� SunnBunney Designs, 1999.